The Practice area for registrations is the G74 and G75 postcode area for East Kilbride. If your address is outwith these postcodes then you should register with a practice closer to where you live.
To apply to register with the practice please contact one of our reception staff. You will be given an application form and a new patient questionnaire which must be completed and returned. You can pick up the forms from reception or print them off and hand in to the surgery. Please complete all 4 forms:
New Patient Medical Questionnaire
You need to bring the forms into the practice with ID so please don’t post them in as we can’t process them without having had sight of the relevant ID.
Please note your application is not complete until the doctor has signed your application form so please give us at least a week to process your application with the Health Board before making an appointment.
When joining you register with ‘The Practice’ and not with a named doctor. However, you may ask to see any doctor you choose once you have registered. We shall endeavour to comply with any preference expressed where possible.